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Bildungsangebote /​ Foto: Henry Sowinski
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Boys will be boys? Critical reflections on masculinity and their consequences

Prerequisite: Curiosity, courage to discuss and reflect. No knowledge assumed.


Masculinity has been in crisis for some time now. There are complaints that men are no longer allowed to be men and that feminism is robbing even the last man of his identity. What is referred to in such statements is a certain image of a man that appears attractive to many.

What is forgotten or even denied is the fact that the way masculinity should look is shaped to a greater extent by our social environment. A prominent example is Andrew Tate: muscular, good-looking, doing his thing, not caring about so-called political correctness. THE image of a strong man.
However, this and other forms of masculinity come at a price: false expectations (»I am a man and I am entitled to this and that [e.g. women]«) and a lack of respect (towards oneself and others) lead to various personal and social problems.


We therefore want to explore the question in the workshop: How can we live masculinity without it causing harm to ourselves and others? What is the problematic nature of some masculinities? The main focus will be on reflecting on our own and others’ behavior.

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