Demokratie in Afrika
Ideensammlung zum Thema Demokratie während eines Seminars (Foto: Thomas Müller)
Zeitbedarf: 2 bis 3 Stunden
Altersgruppe: ab 16 Jahren
Hintergrund & Zielsetzung
The aim of the workshop is to provide educators, practitioners, academics and learners in the youth learning sector with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of change oriented youth learning theory, methodology, and practice in democracy. The objectives are as follows:
- Discuss and identify education-based solutions for democratic deficit considering the movement and impact from the local to the global perspective.
- Examine and participate in democratic and change-oriented education methodology.
- Discover best practice examples of community education.
- Discuss the values and beliefs needed to foster an inclusive democratic society.
The workshop will be delivered through an interactive session with opportunities for reflection rounds and discussion. Methods and tools used during the workshop will be reflecting on the principles and values underpinning democracy education and change oriented learning. This means ensuring an open and interactive session that provides a platform for trainers to share their experiences and perspectives as equal and valued contributors.
Die Workshop-Sprache ist Englisch.
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